Every time I walk into her office I see it, sitting there, perched on her desk. It angers me. They thought I wouldn't notice, wouldn't notice the late night, weekend switch...but I did. I noticed it first thing Monday morning. Something was amiss. Someone had been to my desk, and now it was gone. They thought I would think it was the same one, same size, same everything, but it was not. Mine was better, and they knew it, and they became jealous. And now when I see my screen on her desk, it angers me.
Go ahead, you can have the puny 22 inch. The future for me is looking good...looking good on a 24 inch giant. mwaaa ha ha ha.
1 comment:
i do remember that post.... im glad the future is looking good for you in this area. interestingly, we have similar futures...
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