Friday, June 5, 2009


Forget waterboarding...
I walked into Gella's Diner in Hays, KS yesterday only to be instantly engulfed in a wonderfully familiar smell. It wasn't the food though, it was something different wafting in from the back. It didn't even take a second for me to identify it, freshly milled malted barley. Somewhere...they were making beer. I asked to be seated in the brewery section to investigate further. Upon being seated, my suspicions were confirmed. Two guys in the back were busily dumping barley and hops into a boil and creating that wonderful wort. The smell was unmistakable and intoxicating. I looked down the beer list that was so familiar to me, noticed the banners hanging on the wall: GABF Silver medal, Bronze medal, Silver medal, Gold medal, etc., and tried to hold back my enthusiasm. I scoured the menu and spotted the obnoxiously decadent Spicy Redneck, and my mouth began to water. This was going to be great.

However, the waitress came around and I was roused from my fantasy. "I'll have a water and the Brewben sandwich," were the words uttered chokingly out of my mouth. My boss sitting beside me said, "I'll have the same." Pure torture.

Damn the electric fence...

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