Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Follow Up #2

Another follow up...I got the hop plants from my boss yesterday and much to my surprise, there were already lots and lots of vines! So I got them in the ground right away after splitting them up and am anxiously waiting for them to take up on my house. To celebrate my planting season, I cracked open a Torpedo Extra IPA from Sierra Nevada when I was done...yum. I love hops! (and Hopps for those in the know) Can't wait!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

you are on my google reader, so i will still be checkin in on you! where we are moving this summer, they grow hops, so i will be sure to post some photos of that!

if you can get your hands on some dogfish head, it's amazing.

p.s. thanks for reading my blog. i will be back and will be in touch.